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MacLehose Trail Section 4

麥理浩徑第 (12.7km)

May 16, 2004 temperature 30C, sunny  
第四段 企嶺下至大老山基維爾童營 途經水浪窩、黃竹洋、馬鞍山、昂平、五聯達、萬里長城古道 (12.7km)
After the first climb up from Sai Sha Road to the top of the road, the road descends to your left to Wong Chuk Yeung. Follow the road downhill and continue after the road levels off for 150 metres. The Trail then branches off from the road to the left into some trees, which is marked by a cairn but is easy to miss at night. Five hundred metres after this turning, there is a "T" junction and the Trail turns right onto a narrower path. After a short distance, there is a left turn up some steps which lead onto Ma On Shan.

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