the five people
you meet in
heaven by Mitch Albom
September 2003
198 pages/hardcover
very touching story. I read
it on the plane to and from Huangshan in Oct 2006.
beginning of the book was the end of the life of Eddie.
Eddie, a person with a lot of regrets in his life, died in an
accident where he was trying to save a little girl. And the
story was all about the AFTERlife of Eddie.
was said that everyone would meet 5 'people' after one's death and
before one went into the heaven. It was most amazing to read
the ties between Eddie & the people he met! My heart really
ached when I was reading the part about meeting with his wife!
Mitch Albom wrote it in a very easy-to-understand way so that the
story effortlessly touches the very heart and soul of its readers.
It makes me really wonder: the woman sitting next to me in the MTR
when I was on the way to work this morning might somehow played a
part in my life! I will never know until it's my time and
then I will meet up with my 5 people! And everyone of us is
making impacts to one another, whether you like it or not; you
aware it or not; you care about it or not....
my take away is, don't do things which I will regret. I may
only able to make amend when I will be in the heaven, if I will
ever make my way into HEAVEN!!!
Official web site
www.albomfivepeople.com/index.htm ¡@ ¡@ Read
Chapter One of the book
here. ¡@ ¡@ |