薩嘎達娃節:藏歷四月十五日據說是釋迦牟尼降生、圓寂和涅槃的日子,成千上萬的人們圍繞拉薩市林廓轉經線轉經。 当日下午参加转经的人们又集中在龙王潭划船和歌舞。當日下午參加轉經的人們又集中在龍王潭划船和歌舞。
It is called “the festival to free captive
animals in local custom. Through the whole fourth month, monks don’t eat meat
and don’t commit slaughter. They only concentrate themselves on turning prayer
wheels and reciting Buddha’s scriptures. It is said that on the 1st of the
fourth month is the day that Shakyamuni was born ,became enlightened and
achieved nirvana. On this day every year, people in their holiday best, singing
and dancing, go into parks for their dinner party.