Updated on
Feb 6, 2008
My colleague in Bangkok said why didn't we go Koh Kood instead. I went online and checked Koh Kood. Wow! It's an extremely outrageous beautiful island! The only problem was it takes 4 hours drive from Bangkok + 2 hours ferry to get to the island. Some of our gang have motion sickness.. so finally we decided for this trip, we go Koh Samet, the island I had been to.
Updated on Jan 20, 2008
We have been thinking of going to Bangkok since 2 years ago. Yes I have stopped going Bangkok for 2 years now! Before that I traveled there at least 2 times a year! Since I am going to Bangkok in Feb for business and we decided to take a few days off to hang around and go to the 2nd largest island of Thailand, Koh Chang. Again, our traveling pals, Kevin & Milly and this time Julie too will go with us together.