2008 rench
Road Trip
Nov 14 - 23, 2008
Trip Journal
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finished breakfast at 8am and started off straight to the airport
(54km) to see Julie off. ¡@
Our flight was
at 5pm so we dropped Kevin & Milly off to their hotel in Paris.
It's really crazy driving in Paris. There are roads and there
are no road... The GPS said we could turn but the sign said the
contrary. We guess the city keeps changing the rules. ¡@
So they
quickly dropped their bags at the hotel and we drove them to where
they want to spend the day, Le Lourve. We didn't stop by
anywhere in Paris after waving Kevin & Milly goodbye and continued
to the Carrefour nearby CDG to complete the souvenir shopping. ¡@
We returned
our car at around 3pm and checked in. The flight back was not
very pleasant. CX used the old aircraft. The passenger
in front of me pushed down her seat most of the journey and the
video screen of my seat was not working! The plane was quite
full and the stewardess could offer me another seat for me only, not
with Alan together. It's in the middle of another row so no
point of moving. I was in a foul mood and ignored Alan's
request of changing his seat with me :p.... he took the chance when
I was going out to the restroom and then I could watch some movies
.. but poor him, he obviously a taller and bigger man then me must
be feeling even more cramp than me... but he insisted that he's
okay.... well then we arrived in HK airport at 1pm on Nov 23!
Home sweet home.
¡@ ¡@
was a very pleasant journey. It's not about touring around
those monuments and tourist places, it's about meeting old friends,
making new friends and enjoying real
French homes
of French (and of course English
living in France). We all were so happy and enjoy this
roadtrip and we said we would come back again. Well, there's
just so many places we want to go. We are saying that our next
roadtrip would be 09 probably May or June to Sapporo for flower
watching. Will see, if that's become reality, we will have a
bigger group, probably 2 cars that time. Stay tune! ¡@
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