Le Ferme des Tourterelles, d'Eclance Sarah & James were our hosts. And you will be surprised, they are English! We were very glad that after almost a week had gone, we could finally communicate and understand completely! They are just a lovely couple. We talked about everything and anything. Drank 2 bottles of champagne before dinner, and by the way, Sarah is indeed an excellent cook. 1 bottle of white and at least 3-4 bottles of red. Alan was too drunk and tired he had to excuse himself early. The rest of us talked until almost 11:30pm. And the house, yes we had a 2-storey house for ourselves, is absolutely beautiful. I would say it's even to the luxury standard. Look at the pictures! And you would not believe that all these houses and swimming pool are built by James & Sarah themselves! Has taken them 5 years now and the work hasn't finished yet. So maybe in a couple of years when we come back, the complex will look even more pretty! And I have to thank Sarah again - we had not prepared very well and nevertheless still wanted to do one more champagne tour. Sarah took it up and must had been calling more than a dozen champagne makers to help making a reservation for us. Thanks Sarah again! And also, James & Sarah have a lovely old cat, Tiger, who is now 20 year-old! Amazing!
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