Roadtrip - Paris, Reims & Eperney Kevin & Milly were unable to get on the flight on the same day as ours to Paris so we had to wait for them in Paris for 1 night. I googled and decided to stay just outside to the North of Paris in St. Ouen where there is a large flea market for antique furniture and items. Turned out it's not much there to see but Alan had time to 'practice' his driving around as it's less traffic outside Paris. Reims is a big city but it was a pity that it was a Sunday and a lot of shops were closed. Nevertheless, Notre Dame de Reims is gorgeous even we could only view it from outside.. Eperney is a small town not far away from where we stayed for the night. It's also a champagne city but again, it's a Sunday. We had had lunch/dinner there, our 1st decent meal in France this trip.
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